The Liam
"The Liam" is a sophisticated Walnut pendant that integrates Calacatta Viola marble detailing and an unlacquered brass downrod. Its sleek design blends the deep, natural hues of Walnut with the luxurious accents of purple veined marble, all anchored by the timeless appeal of unlacquered brass. This pendant exudes a harmonious balance of organic textures and metallic accents, making it a striking centerpiece in modern interior spaces.
"The Liam" is a sophisticated Walnut pendant that integrates Calacatta Viola marble detailing and an unlacquered brass downrod. Its sleek design blends the deep, natural hues of Walnut with the luxurious accents of purple veined marble, all anchored by the timeless appeal of unlacquered brass. This pendant exudes a harmonious balance of organic textures and metallic accents, making it a striking centerpiece in modern interior spaces.
Materials: Walnut base, calacatta viola marble detailing, unlacquered brass downrod.
Bulb type
E12 x 1
Compatible with dimmable bulbs and switches
Weight: 7.7 lbs
Click here for detailed drawing with dimensions
23.25 in
Minimum total height
22 in
Maximum total height
Assembly required upon arrival.
Wipe clean with a soft, dry cloth. To protect the finish, avoid the use of harsh chemicals or household cleaners.
Free shipping. Lead time 8-12 weeks.